Ķempi Kārl newest poem “Tuļpuķķiž”

Ķempi Kārl newest poem “Tuļpuķķiž” (In Fireweeds)

Ķempi Kārl newest poem “Tuļpuķķiž” (In Fireweeds)

During the Livonian Summer University in August 2021, the poet Ķempi Kārl, who writes in the Salaca Livonian language, has created one of his latest poems “In Fireweed”. Salaca Livonian language or the Vidzeme Livonian dialect is a variant of the Livonian language spoken in the ancient Livonian region Metsepole, and Ķempi Kārl is the only poet in the world who creates poetry in this lost and mysterious language. Equally mysterious is his poetry, as the Estonian writer and art critic Mart Velsker wrote, “in these poems language, places and love have the greatest importance and they do not care for the concept of time”.