
  • valts
  • Posted by valts

The Livonian place name catalogue is a compilation of place names in...

  • Odrija H.
  • Posted by Odrija H.

Valts Ernštreits, Compound formation principles in Livonian [ESUKA – JEFUL 2018, 9–2]...

  • Odrija H.
  • Posted by Odrija H.

Non-modal phonation associated with stød vowels in Livonian This paper describes a...

  • Odrija H.
  • Posted by Odrija H.

Delights and distractions: descriptions and vocabulary in the 1927 and 1928 Livonian...

  • Odrija H.
  • Posted by Odrija H.

The relationship between the Enlightenment and the survival of the Livonian language...

  • Odrija H.
  • Posted by Odrija H.

A journey of discovery through the Livonian world: the scholarly work of...

  • valts
  • Posted by valts

Our young researcher from the Livonian Institute of the University of Latvia,...

  • valts
  • Posted by valts

From July 26th to August 4th 2024, the fourth Livonian Summer University...

  • valts
  • Posted by valts
  • valts
  • Posted by valts

The University of Latvia Livonian Institute, in cooperation with the University of...

  • valts
  • Posted by valts

We are happy to announce the fourth Livonian Summer University (LSU), which...

  • valts
  • Posted by valts

The Livonian place name catalogue is a compilation of place names in...

  • valts
  • Posted by valts

Conference programme. On 26–28 June 2024, an international joint conference Livonica 3...

  • Odrija H.
  • Posted by Odrija H.

Valts Ernštreits, Compound formation principles in Livonian [ESUKA – JEFUL 2018, 9–2]...

  • Odrija H.
  • Posted by Odrija H.

Non-modal phonation associated with stød vowels in Livonian This paper describes a...

  • lolita
  • Posted by lolita

The project “Towards Development of Open and FAIR Digital Humanities Ecosystem in...

  • lolita
  • Posted by lolita

SRP “Latvian Studies for the Development of a Latvian and European Society”...