Interaction Between the Individual, the Society and the State in Process of the History of Latvia: Conflicting Values and Formation of Shared Values During Historical Turning Point (2018–2021)

State Research Programme’s “Latvian Heritage and Future Challenges for the Country’s Sustainability” project

“Interaction between the individual, the society and the state in process of the history of Latvia: conflicting values and formation of shared values during historical turning points”
No. VPP-IZM-2018/1-0018

The aim of the project is to analyze the communication between the state, the society and the individual; the impact of political and social control on the attitude towards national and social security; the transformation process of political, social and cultural values in Latvia during the 16–20th century. Having reached the centenary of the state, it is essential to acknowledge those values and historical turning points that made it possible to proclaim a democratic Republic of Latvia during a moment when there existed several alternatives for the statehood of Latvia. An interdisciplinary and highly qualified academic team of historians, sociologists, lawyers and theologians, which also plans to involve students in the teamwork, will identify the recent historiography and study the sources. The goal is to provide the society and the academic field with new knowledge about the processes whereby the distribution of religious, philosophical and social ideas and various internal and external factors during the period of 16–20th century lead to the consolidation of a set of values that made it possible to found a democratic civil republic. The team will also analyze the importance of historical memory, the safeguarding of the idea of independence during the years of occupation, and the national resistence movement which eventually lead to the renewal of the independent state with a thriving multicultural and inclusive society. Special emphasis will be placed on the contribution by various ethnic, social and religious groups to the formation and protection of Latvia’s statehood and cultural diversity. The researchers will also focus on the social safety and its complex nature, and on the role of individual beliefs in the strengthening of state security.

Results achieved:

Scientific articles, research, monographs

Blumberga, Renāte. Liiviläisten kansallistalon juhlavuosi. [Lībiešu tautas nama jubilejas gads]. Suomen Mieli, 4. 2019, 12.–15. lpp.

Blumberga, Renāte. Kōrli Stalte liivikeelseid vaimulikke tõlkeid: leer ja matusedEmakeele Seltsi aastaraamat 65. 2019, 9–22.

Blumberga, Renāte. Kārlim Staltem – 150. Autobiogrāfija. Līvlizt āigastrōntõz = Lībiešu gadagrāmata. 2020, 57.–67.lpp.

Blumberga, Renāte. Kā un kāpēc Kārlis Stalte tulkoja lugu bērniem. Līvlizt āigastrōntõz = Lībiešu gadagrāmata. 2020, 67.–71.lpp.

Participation in conferences

Blumberga, Renāte. Lībiešu Pirmā pasaules kara “izdzīšanas laiks”. Starptautiska konference “Indivīds, sabiedrība un vara Baltijas reģiona vēstures lūzuma punktos”. 14.–15.10.2021. Facebook event page.


Blumberga, Renāte. 100 gadu kopš lībiešu nacionālās modināšanas – Lauri Ketunena pirmā ekspedīcija., 03.06.2020.